Unique Baby Names That End in O

  1. Pippo
    • Dynamo
      • Origin:

        English word name
      • Meaning:

        "a forceful energetic individual"
      • Description:

        Dynamo is a newly-invented word name that's on trend in several different ways. It's got an o ending, an uplifting meaning, and it's gender-neutral. And what kid wouldn't want Dynamo as a middle name?
    • Rufo
      • Natalino
        • Origin:

          Short form of Natale, Italian variation of Natalia
        • Meaning:

          "born on Christmas Day"
        • Description:

          Natalino is the jaunty Italian male nickname for the gender-neutral Natale. And it has that fashionable o ending. Natalino might work as a nickname for Nathaniel too.