
American place-name
"land of the Indians"

Indiana Origin and Meaning

The name Indiana is a boy's name meaning "land of the Indians".

This state name emerged in the eighties along with westerners Dakota and Montana, and it's still used occasionally by high-profile parents such as Summer Phoenix and Casey Affleck. Action man Indiana Jones (played by Harrison Ford) makes Indiana "Indy" forever cool for a boy.

# 1684 on Nameberry

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Indiana Popularity

Famous People Named Indiana

  • Indiana August Affleckson of actors Summer Phoenix and Casey Affleck; named after River Phoenix because he once played young Indiana Jones
  • Indiana Zac Serafin (b. 2006)son of actors Jane Allsop and David Serafin
  • Indiana Urban (b. 2005)son of actor Karl Urban and Natalie Wihongi

Indiana in Pop Culture

  • Henry Walton "Indiana" Jones Jr.main character in the "Indiana Jones" film series
  • Indianaone of the 50 American states
  • Indiana Abernathycharacter in "Sims" series

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