Unique Names #2

  1. Nettie
    • Origin:

      English, diminutive of names ending in -ette or -etta, or variation of Neta, Hebrew
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      You may never have known a Nettie personally, but there well might be one hidden in your family history, considering that she was a Top 100 name until 1901 and stayed on the Social Security list until 1962.
  2. Nigel
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "dark, black-haired"
    • Description:

      A name that Yanks might see as overly British, but combined with the right surname, it does have a measure of Sherlock Holmesian dash via Nigel Bruce, who played the original Dr. Watson to Basil Rathbone's Sherlock Holmes.
  3. Nile
    • Origin:

      River name and color name
    • Meaning:

      "dark blue, indigo"
    • Description:

      Cool, serene name of the Egyptian river can make a fresh choice for a girl. The origin of river name Nile relates to the Arabic and ancient Hebrew word for dark blue or indigo; in ancient Egyptian, its literal meaning is river.
  4. Nylah
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Nylah is the Arabic name of a princess -- Nyla is another variation -- that's rising quickly through the ranks, partly thanks to an adorable kitty that enjoyed 15 minutes of YouTube fame. But we predict this attractive and unusual name will get a longer turn in the sun than the pop-culture cat.
  5. Nim
    • Oakley
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "oak wood or clearing"
      • Description:

        Oakley, with its nature name roots and its Annie Oakley charm, is a hot name for both genders but more than twice as popular for girls. This name made it into the Top 1000 for the first time in 2013, one of only four girl names starting with O to rank that high. A decade letter, it's aiming for the Top 100.
    • Paz
      • Origin:

        Hebrew; Spanish
      • Meaning:

        "gold; peace"
      • Description:

        Paz, currently represented by actresses Paz Vega and Paz de la Huerts, would make a sparkling middle name choice. It originated as a title of the Virgin Mary, Our Lady of Peace, and is one of the names that mean peace, derived from the Latin word "pax".
    • Phaedra
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

      • Description:

        This name of a tragic figure in Greek mythology, the daughter of King Minos, sister of Ariadne and wife of Theseus, has a mysterious and intriguing appeal, and would make a dramatic choice.
    • Priscilla
      • Origin:

        Latin, diminutive of Prisca
      • Meaning:

      • Description:

        Despite her somewhat prissy, puritanical air, Priscilla has managed to stay widely used for well over a century -- it reached as high as Number 127 in 1940 -- appreciated for its delicacy and solid history.
    • Pan
      • Slate
        • Origin:

          Word name
        • Description:

          One of the more unusual of the current crop of strong, single-syllable boys' names, evoking the images of both old-fashioned blackboards and modern stepping-stones and countertops.
      • Sutton
        • Origin:

        • Meaning:

          "from the southern homestead"
        • Description:

          Sutton is a habitational surname propelled to popularity by Tony-winning Broadway actress Sutton Foster, who's also the star of Hulu's Younger -- based on a novel written by Nameberry co-creator Pamela Redmond.
      • Thisbe
        • Origin:

          Greek mythological name, meaning unknown
        • Description:

          Thisbe, the name of a beautiful but tragic lover in mythology, is lively and cute -- in a slightly thistly, prickly way. Ovid retold the story of Thisbe and Pyramus, young lovers in ancient Babylon kept apart by family rivalry, which was the inspiration for Romeo and Juliet. A modern bearer of the name is writer Thisbe Nissen.

          In Sarah Dessen's novel Along for the Ride, the baby daughter is named Thisby, nn Isby.

      • Tripp
        • Origin:

          Word name
        • Description:

          The extra p makes Tripp more of a name and less of a Trip. Usually a nickname of a boy who's a third, but Tripp is sure to get more attention in its own right now as the name of Sarah Palin's daughter Bristol and Levi Johnston's son.
      • Trek
        • Winifred
          • Origin:

          • Meaning:

            "blessed peacemaking"
          • Description:

            One of the few remaining unrestored vintage gems, with a choice of two winning nicknames--the girlish Winnie and the tomboyish Freddie. Winifred, the name of a legendary Welsh saint, was a Top 200 name into the mid-1920's.
        • Winnie
          • Origin:

            English diminutive of Winifred
          • Meaning:

            "holy peacemaking, gentle friend"
          • Description:

            This pet form of such names as Winifred and Edwina and Gwendolyn has loads of vintage charm, a la Millie and Maisie, with a decidedly winning vibe. And it just got celebrity cred as the baby daughter of Jimmy Fallon.
        • Wynn
          • Origin:

          • Meaning:

            "fair, blessed"
          • Description:

            Wynn is an attractive Welsh name, originally male but now also used for girls outside of Wales. The authentic feminine version would be Gwen, which derives from the same very productive gwyn element, making it a relative of all Welsh names ending -wyn or -wen, as well as the Irish Fin- names.
        • Whisper