Cat Names That Mean Adventurous

Cat Names That Mean Adventurous

Cat names that mean adventurous are perfect for your bold little explorer. If your daredevil needs a name to represent their free spirit, these cat names are just what you are looking for.

Female cat names that mean adventurous include word names like Scout, North, Rogue, or Journey, or they may be intriguing and distinct choices like Viatrix, Esra, Nenna, and Gitana.

Male cat names that mean adventurous may have direct meanings of "voyager", "traveler", and the like, such as Peregrine, Wendell, or Hernando. They may also be adventurous occupational names, such as Trekker, Pilot, or Ranger.

Names of famous explorers throughout history also give us a plethora of ideas, such as Marco (Polo), (John) Cabot, or Amerigo (Vespucci).

Browse of full collection of cat names that mean adventurous here, ordered by their current popularity on Nameberry.


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  1. Wilder
    • Origin:

      Surname or word name
    • Description:

      New to the US Top 1000 in 2015, Wilder is on many parents' possibility lists, one of the new generation of bad boy names growing in popularity. Wilder got a big boost in interest through Goldie Hawn's grandson, born in 2007, via son Oliver.
  2. Walter
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "army ruler"
    • Description:

      Walter was seen as a noble name in the Sir Walter Raleigh and Sir Walter Scott era, but it then spent decades in baby name limbo. Now quite a few independent-minded parents are looking at it as a renewable, slightly quirky, classic, stronger and more distinctive than James or John, second only to William among the handsome classic boy baby names starting with W.
  3. Peregrine
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "traveler, pilgrim"
    • Description:

      Peregrine is considered to be an elegantly aristocratic name in England, but has never made it to the U.S., where it has been seen as extravagantly eccentric. In the new naming climate, though, it's not beyond consideration — in fact it's already been chosen by at least one Berry.
  4. Christopher
    • Origin:

      Greek and Latin
    • Meaning:

      "bearer of Christ"
    • Description:

      Christopher derived from the Greek Christophoros, which is composed of the elements Christos, referring to Christ, and phero, meaning "to bear."
  5. Scout
    • Origin:

      Word name
    • Description:

      Scout, a character nickname from To Kill a Mockingbird (her real name was Jean Louise), became a real-life possibility when Bruce Willis and Demi Moore used it for their now grown middle daughter, followed by Tom Berenger a few years later. A unisex choice that is growing in popularity for both genders -- but given to girls about four times more often than to boys -- it was picked by skater Tai Babilonia for her son and Kerri Walsh for her daughter Scout Margery.
  6. Wolf
    • Origin:

      Animal name or diminutive of Wolfgang, German
    • Meaning:

      " traveling wolf"
    • Description:

      Wolf is a name with a split personality. It can be seen as one of the fierce animal names, like Fox and Bear and Puma, with a touch of the werewolf, or it can be viewed as a quieter, Wolf Blitzer kind of name, fairly common in German (where is pronounced Vulf) and Jewish families, sometimes as a short form of Wolfgang, or even Wolfram or Wolfhart.
  7. Francis
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "Frenchman or free man"
    • Description:

      Since this was the name chosen by the current Roman Catholic pope, Francis has come into the spotlight.
  8. Lewis
    • Origin:

      English variation of Louis
    • Meaning:

      "renowned warrior"
    • Description:

      Lewis is the best spelling to choose if you want this pronounced with the S. Lewis has been in the Top 5 in Scotland since 2000, and is one that parents in the U.S. are just beginning to rethink.
  9. Clark
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "scribe, secretary, cleric, scholar, clerk"
    • Description:

      Clark seemed to have been Gone with the Wind, but parents looking for a short, strong boy's name are now beginning to appreciate its cool combination of Gable charm with Superman power.
  10. Marco
    • Origin:

      Italian and Spanish form of Mark
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Simple and universal, Marco is a Latin classic that would make a much livelier namesake for an Uncle Mark. It was used for her son by actress Jill Hennessy and goes well with surnames of any nationality.
  11. Wolfgang
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "traveling wolf"
    • Description:

      Chef Wolfgang Puck has helped soften this thunderous Germanic name; music-lovers will appreciate its association with Mozart, though the composer's middle name Amadeus is more appealing.
  12. Thorin
    • Origin:

      Norse and Scandinavian
    • Meaning:

      "thunder or brave and daring"
    • Description:

      Some sources give Thorin as a variation of the thunder god name Thor, equivalent to Thoren, while others says it comes from the verb að þora, meaning "to dare." This is a dwarf's name that first appeared in the thirteenth century mythology compilation Prose Edda, which, along with the Poetic Edda, represents nearly all of pagan Scandinavian mythology. Tolkien later used the name for character Thorin II Oakenshield of The Hobbit.
  13. Drake
    • Origin:

      English word name
    • Meaning:

      "dragon; or, male duck"
    • Description:

      A simple one-syllable name that has been on the popularity list since the mid-1980s, Drake is most associated today with the single-named rapper (born Aubrey). The name peaked at Number 197 in 2010 and has since been on a slow decline, but it still can be counted among the stylish contemporary boy names starting with D.
  14. Scout
    • Origin:

      Word name
    • Description:

      Chosen for their daughter by Bruce and Demi (inspired by the To Kill a Mockingbirdcharacter), and for her son by Tai Babilonia, an interesting choice for either sex, with overtones of a "good scout" and the upstanding qualities of a Boy/Girl Scout.
  15. Ferdinand
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "bold voyager"
    • Description:

      Ferdinand, a traditional name in the royal families of Spain and a handsome young prince shipwrecked on Prosper's island in Shakespeare's The Tempest has, unfortunately, to the American ear a somewhat heavy and clumsy feel – most likely because of the bull connection. In the 1880's it was in the 200's on the US pop list, but has been off completely since 1986.
  16. Ranger
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "forest guardian"
    • Description:

      The list of occupational boys' names continues to expand, and this is one of the latest to ride onto the range. And, as trends collide, it also has the popular western, cowboyish feel. A much better choice than the increasingly (and scarily) heard Danger.
  17. Rogue
    • Origin:

      English word name
    • Meaning:

      "independent, uncontrolled"
    • Description:

      Now that names like Cannon and Gunner, fit for comic book heroes, are rising up, Rogue may fit right in.
  18. Fernanda
    • Origin:

      Feminine variation of Fernando, Spanish and Portuguese version of German Ferdinand
    • Meaning:

      "bold voyager"
    • Description:

      Fernanda is very popular in the Latino community, with a lot more charm than its male counterpart. The standard nickname is Nanda, and variations include Ferdinanda and Fernandina.
  19. Esra
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "travel at night"
    • Description:

      This lovely Top 100 Turkish name is related to the Arabic Asra or Isra.
  20. Kymani
    • Origin:

      Eastern African
    • Meaning:

      "adventurous traveler"
    • Description:

      One of the most popular African names for boys, Kymani was in the US Top 1000 list from 2008 until 2016. Spelled Ky-mani, it's the name of Bob Marley's son.