Modern pop icons

Art is always plays a big role in the naming of children, and with music being the most beloved form, a current musical icon might be the way to go for some parents.
  1. Adele
    • Origin:

      French diminutive of Adelaide
    • Meaning:

      "noble, nobility"
    • Description:

      Credit the award-winning single-named British singer for taking the girls’ name Adele from a quiet semi-retirement back into currency. Adele reentered the US Top 1000 popular baby names in 2011 and has remained there ever since.
  2. Demetria
    • Origin:

      Greek, alternate form of Demeter
    • Description:

      Demetria is a dramatic ancient Greek earth goddess possibility with the star-studded nickname Demi. Young actor/singer/songwriter Demi Lovato was born Demetria, but contrary to common hearsay, Demi Moore was born Demi.

      An even more unusual cousin name is the Cornish Demelza, made somewhat familiar via the TV series Poldark.

  3. Lana
    • Origin:

      English diminutive of Alana
    • Meaning:

      "rock or handsome"
    • Description:

      Popularized in the 1940s by Lana (born Judy) Turner, today Lana is synonymous with American singer-songwriter Lana Del Rey. Although it has been rising steadily since the early 2000s, Lana still sits in the popularity "sweet spot" – familiar, but not overused. Simple, sleek and seamlessly international, it makes a great choice.
  4. Marina
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "from the sea"
    • Description:

      This pretty sea-born name was used to dramatic effect by Shakespeare in his play Pericles for the virtuous princess who says she is "Call'd Marina, for I was born at sea."
  5. Stefani
    • Origin:

      Spelling variation of Stephanie
    • Description:

      Germans spell Stephanie with an f though the i ending is not traditional. Lady Gaga dropped the Stefani and No Doubt's Gwen sports is as a surname. Despite the celebrity connections, we say if you want to name your daughter Stephanie, name her Stephanie.
  6. Trixie
    • Origin:

      Diminutive of Beatrix, Latin
    • Meaning:

      "she who brings happiness"
    • Description:

      A sassy, spunky name for the bold parent who doesn't remember Mrs. Ed Norton on The Honeymooners or who's into the nicknames-as-given-names trend sweeping the UK and returning to the US.