Sea Witch Names

  1. Eudora
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "generous gift"
    • Description:

      Eudora is the name of five minor goddesses of Greek mythology and a major goddess (in the person of Pulitzer Prize-winning Eudora Welty) of modern American literature. Eudora is pleasant and euphoneous and a possibility for rejuvenation.
  2. Pandora
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "all gifted"
    • Description:

      Pandora has occasionally been used by the British gentry (for girls with brothers who might be called Peregrine) and is now starting to be heard in the US too: It was given to 34 baby girls last year.
  3. Persephone
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "bringer of destruction"
    • Description:

      Persephone is the esoteric name of the Greek mythological daughter of Zeus by Demeter, the queen of the harvest. After she was kidnapped by Hades to be Queen of the Underworld, it was decreed by Zeus that she would spend six months of the year with her mother, allowing crops to grow, and six in mourning, thus accounting for the seasons.
  4. Primula
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "first rose"
    • Description:

      Primula is related to Primrose, the name and the flower, and would make a quirky yet charming (or is it charming yet quirky?) botanical name for a first daughter.
  5. Thisbe
    • Origin:

      Greek mythological name, meaning unknown
    • Description:

      Thisbe, the name of a beautiful but tragic lover in mythology, is lively and cute -- in a slightly thistly, prickly way. Ovid retold the story of Thisbe and Pyramus, young lovers in ancient Babylon kept apart by family rivalry, which was the inspiration for Romeo and Juliet. A modern bearer of the name is writer Thisbe Nissen.

      In Sarah Dessen's novel Along for the Ride, the baby daughter is named Thisby, nn Isby.

  6. Tryphosa
    • Undine
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "little wave"
      • Description:

        Mythological water spirit with the more common spelling of Ondine, heroine of an Edith Wharton novel.
    • Ursula
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "little female bear"
      • Description:

        A saint's name with a noteworthy literary background, including uses by Shakespeare in Two Gentlemen of Verona and Much Ado About Nothing, by Ben Johnson, Walter Scott, Longfellow, D. H. Lawrence and Neil Gaiman. In real life, her two most well known representatives are writer Ursula Le Guin and actress Ursula Andress. In literature, there is also Ursula Iguaran, a key, long-lived character in Gabriel Garcia Marquez's major work, One Hundred Years of Solitude.