Baby due tomorrow

Must have six letters and a Y Somewhat gender neutral
  1. Charley
    • Origin:

      Spelling variation of Charlie
    • Description:

      Charlie and its many forms are on the rise -- including Charley, which relates more directly to the male formal name Charles. Surprisingly, though, while the number of girls and boys named Charlie are nearly even, there are six times as many girls named Charley than boys. The Charley spelling is now a fixture in the Top 600, though it remains less popular than Charlee for girls.
  2. Dyllan
    • Marley
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "pleasant seaside meadow"
      • Description:

        Reggae master Bob's surname was one of the biggest risers on the popularity charts for girls in 2008, with spellings Marlee and Marely also leaping in favor. Also used for boys, Marley is one of the top unisex names in the US.
    • Maevyn
      • Rowynn