Favorite boy names, Middle names

Middle names
  1. Christian
    • Origin:

      Greek or English from Latin
    • Meaning:

      "anointed one or follower of Christ"
    • Description:

      The name Christian has fallen a bit from its 90's and 00's heights, but it's still quite popular. Once considered overly pious, Christian is now seen as making a bold statement of faith by some, while also having secular appeal for others, perhaps influenced by such celebrities as Christian Slater and Christian Bale, not to mention the fashion world's Dior, Lacroix, Louboutin and Audigier.
  2. Cornelius
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Cornelius, the New Testament name of a third century Pope and saint, is one of those venerable Latin names on the edge of consideration, despite the corny nickname alert.
  3. Vilhelm
    • Origin:

      German variation of William
    • Description:

      The way Wilhelm is pronounced anyway, so a pointless spelling variation.