
  1. Geoffrey
    • Origin:

      Anglo-Saxon from French
    • Meaning:

      "pledge of peace"
    • Description:

      In the US, this spelling is less common than mid-century favorite Jeffrey, and it has faded from popularity faster. This more British spelling is the usual form for historical figures like Geoffrey Chaucer and the Welsh historian Geoffrey of Monmouth, and as such it may feel more rooted and enduring.
  2. Gilead
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "a camel hump"
    • Description:

      Like Bethany and Shiloh, a meaningful biblical place-name.
  3. Graham
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "gravelly homestead"
    • Description:

      Well used in England and Scotland since the fifties, the smooth and sophisticated Graham is catching on here.
  4. George Frederick McGuire
    • George Tidas McGuire
      • Grace Melody McGuire
        • Gwendolyn Merritt McGuire