
"watchful guardian"

Argus Origin and Meaning

The name Argus is a boy's name of Greek origin meaning "watchful guardian".

In mythology, a creature with a hundred eyes, making it a better name for a camera than a baby.

Argus Popularity

Argus in Pop Culture

  • Argus Panoptes ("AllEyes"), Greek mythological giant with a hundred eyes
  • Argusson of Zeus (or Phoroneus) and Niobe
  • Argusson of Arestor, builder of the ship Argo in the tale of the Argonauts
  • Argusthe eldest son of Phrixus and Chalciope
  • Argus or Argosfaithful dog of Odysseus
  • Argus or ArgeusKing of Argos, son of Megapenthes
  • Argusone of Actaeon's dogs
  • Argus Filchcharacter in the Harry Potter series